If your livestock could choose its' transportation, the choice would be INTERBOVES.

Transport by air

INTERBOVES offers you livestock transportation by aircraft to any airport.

Single animals are carried in special equipped livestock containers, while for higher demands we charter a cargo-aircraft and equip it with a special penning system. Whichever system chosen, it insures the Business Class flight to your livestock!

In our livestock containers we can carry up to 6 heifers per container. An aircraft equipped with the penning system carries between 60 and 140 heifers, depending on the type of the aircraft.

Full flexibility is provided by our own portable loading ramp (walk-on/walk-off system) where the animals can walk directly from the airplane into the trucks.

Every flight is escorted by our livestock attendant who takes care for the health and welfare of the animals during the flight and all loading activities.

Contact us now for an individual offer!